Silver Linings Institute

What We Offer:

Education on Seeking Resiliency After Trauma

Our mission is to help others transcend their trauma and create a life filled with hope, meaning, and purpose.

Emotional scars formed in the aftermath of trauma can serve as powerful catalysts for innovation and creativity. Those who have triumphed over adversity often harness their experiences to fuel a passionate pursuit of positive change, whether in their personal lives or within broader societal contexts. The resilience developed in the face of trauma can become a wellspring of inspiration, driving individuals to transcend limitations and redefine their own potential.

We strive to educate, empower, and support individuals experiencing Post Traumatic Stress disorder towards growth and resiliency. Through psychoeducational trainings and 1:1 guidance, our mission is to help others transcend their trauma and create a life filled with hope, meaning, and purpose.

Through our mission of moving past trauma towards growth, we offer a pre-recorded self paced psychoeducational course on healing from trauma. We also offer Resiliency Retreats, Presentations, and Lunch and Learn educational seminars for doctors’ offices and other providers.

From Trauma to Change

Consultation Services

Having successfully built a thriving group practice, I love empowering other therapists to take the leap into the world of private practice. Whether you are an already established practice or are just beginning, I will provide guidance. Oftentimes, the biggest obstacle is transferring from a therapist’s mindset to a business mindset.

The therapist’s mindset encompasses a deep understanding of human behavior, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. This perspective is invaluable in navigating interpersonal relationships, fostering a positive company culture, and addressing the psychological aspects of both employees and clients.

Simultaneously, the business owner mindset contributes a results-driven orientation, strategic vision, and a keen sense of adaptability to the mix. Entrepreneurs are adept at setting goals, making informed decisions, and steering the company through challenges.

The merging of these two mindsets results in a holistic leadership style that recognizes the symbiotic relationship between employee well-being and business success. This integrative approach not only enhances team dynamics but also cultivates a work environment where individuals feel understood, supported, and motivated to contribute their best, thereby creating a thriving and sustainable business. I will help you with combining both mindsets in order to foster a sustainable, compassionate business plan.

Oftentimes, the biggest obstacle is transferring from a therapist's mindset to a business mindset.

Schedule a Resiliency Retreat, Zoom Presentation, or Lunch and Learn for your practice or team

Read more about Samantha Silverman’s Post Traumatic Resiliency story

Visit Silver Linings Mental Health and peruse our team of qualified trauma therapists

Silver Linings Institute

What We Offer:

Education on Seeking Resiliency After Trauma

Our mission is to help others transcend their trauma and create a life filled with hope, meaning, and purpose.

Emotional scars formed in the aftermath of trauma can serve as powerful catalysts for innovation and creativity. Those who have triumphed over adversity often harness their experiences to fuel a passionate pursuit of positive change, whether in their personal lives or within broader societal contexts. The resilience developed in the face of trauma can become a wellspring of inspiration, driving individuals to transcend limitations and redefine their own potential.

We strive to educate, empower, and support individuals experiencing Post Traumatic Stress disorder towards growth and resiliency. Through psychoeducational trainings and 1:1 guidance, our mission is to help others transcend their trauma and create a life filled with hope, meaning, and purpose.

Through our mission of moving past trauma towards growth, we offer a pre-recorded self paced psychoeducational course on healing from trauma. We also offer Resiliency Retreats, Presentations, and Lunch and Learn educational seminars for doctors’ offices and other providers.

Consultation Services

Having successfully built a thriving group practice, I love empowering other therapists to take the leap into the world of private practice. Whether you are an already established practice or are just beginning, I will provide guidance.

Oftentimes, the biggest obstacle is transferring from a therapist’s mindset to a business mindset.
The therapist’s mindset encompasses a deep understanding of human behavior, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. This perspective is invaluable in navigating interpersonal relationships, fostering a positive company culture, and addressing the psychological aspects of both employees and clients.

Simultaneously, the business owner mindset contributes a results-driven orientation, strategic vision, and a keen sense of adaptability to the mix. Entrepreneurs are adept at setting goals, making informed decisions, and steering the company through challenges.

The merging of these two mindsets results in a holistic leadership style that recognizes the symbiotic relationship between employee well-being and business success. This integrative approach not only enhances team dynamics but also cultivates a work environment where individuals feel understood, supported, and motivated to contribute their best, thereby creating a thriving and sustainable business. I will help you with combining both mindsets in order to foster a sustainable, compassionate business plan.

Oftentimes, the biggest obstacle is transferring from a therapist’s mindset to a business mindset.

Schedule a Resiliency Retreat, Zoom Presentation, or Lunch and Learn for your practice or team

Read more about Samantha Silverman’s Post Traumatic Resiliency story

Visit Silver Linings Mental Health and peruse our team of qualified trauma therapists