How I Found My Silver Lining:

For the past 20 years, I have been on a mission to help individuals transcend trauma. As a survivor of the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks and subsequent ear damage as a result, I am a survivor. NOT A VICTIM. Adopting a victim’s mentality not only hinders self -growth, but blockades future self-actualization. It is important for me to de-stigmatize that conception and provide psychoeducation on Post Traumatic Resiliency, which is the result of healing from one’s trauma.

Self-Actualization, achieved when an individual reaches their full potential, is paramount to growth and resiliency. I believe that each individual can grow and heal from their trauma if one is motivated and vulnerable to change. Following the terrorist attacks, I developed insomnia, depression, anxiety, chronic ear disease, and cholesteotoma (a rare upper respiratory tract disease as a result of the implosion created when the planes collided with the towers and inhaling harmful contaminants at ground zero). Rather than pummeling into more depressive waters, I used my experience as an opportunity to expand on my life. I changed my career path from Wall Street associate to Clinical Social Worker, relocated back to family, and rebuilt my life from the ashes.

Our Benefits

Your Trauma is Valid.

Achieve Life Goals

Achieve Self Confidence

Communicate Effectively

Nurture the Body, Mind, and Soul

Having survivor’s guilt and PTSD, I recognized the fragility of life and piloted my own journey. I began maximizing and expanding on my strengths in order to minimize my weaknesses. I adopted healthy lifestyle changes that included daily physical activity, outlets for creativity, and connectedness with loved ones.

I now emphasize the importance of empowering individuals to reclaim their narratives, fostering resilience, and cultivating a sense of agency in their healing journey. I firmly believe that every person possesses an innate capacity for growth and transformation.

I am also a vocal advocate for mental health awareness and destigmatization. I frequently speak at conferences, write articles, and collaborate with other therapists and doctors’ offices dedicated to advancing mental health initiatives. I strive to break down the barriers that prevent individuals from achieving resiliency in the aftermath of trauma.

Empowering Therapists to Launch Their Counseling Practice

Embarking on the journey of starting a solo or group counseling practice is a courageous and rewarding endeavor. I have experienced both trials and tribulations since successfully growing a thriving group practice since 2017. I abhor witnessing colleagues new to private practice making the same mistakes that I did! I am passionate about empowering therapists to navigate the complexities of establishing their own counseling practices. Through a lens of expertise and compassion, I strive to provide guidance for mental health professionals seeking to build successful and fulfilling careers.

Should you choose to consult with me, I will address all of your questions, concerns, and anxiety as it relates to establishing a successful practice. I will help you build a business model in accordance with your goals. I will also assist you with developing Standard Operating Procedures, management systems, marketing strategies, and organizational tools to build a lasting, thriving practice. I will provide psychoeducation on IPO (Initial Purchase Offering) companies and the difference between being a contract worker and being an independent provider. Additionally, I will assist with providing external resources and guidance on decision making to set you up for continued success.


Resiliency Retreats

In 2024, the Silver Linings Institute will begin offering half day retreats that will restore and reinvigorate resiliency in the aftermath of trauma. You will create a vision board and learn basic journaling techniques and habits. Also, you will create a unique blueprint for physical, emotional, and mental self-care habits that are in lieu with your individual lifestyle. Additionally, we will hold a group therapy session in which we will collectively support one another, share stories, develop camaraderie, and grow together.